时间:2015-06-13 浏览:1964
Prof. Hongxia Fang,Ph.D
Dr. Fang completed her bachelor degree in life sciences at Anhui University in 1990. From 1990 to 1998, she engaged in developing novel materials for advanced powder coating and green flexible packaging technologies at Huangshan Yongjia (group) Co., Ltd. After that she went on to obtain her Mater of Engineering degree at Zhejiang University in 2002, and complete her Ph.D. degree in Advanced Coatings Research Center of China Educational Ministry at Fudan University in 2007. Her thesis research focused on the preparation of novel functional multi block copolymer and elastomer materials for surface coating. In 2002, Dr. Fang started her teaching and research career as an Associate Professor at Huangshan University. Now, Dr. Fang is a Professor and the Associate Dean of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Huangshan University. Besides managing teaching related activities of the school, Dr. Fang spends most ofher time focusing on innovation and research. Dr. Fang has invented several coatingand adhesive related products including moisture-cured polyurethane, bamboo-fibers reinforced compositesand lignin-modified resin adhesive. To date, Dr. Fang has been granted 9 China Patents and published more than 40 articles mainly on the development of novel organic polymermaterials and their applications for surface coating with environment-friendly property and high performance. Her recent research interests include developing novel organic polymer materials and separation technologies for natural products.
·Ph.D., Materials Chemistry and Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Dissertation: “Microphase Separation Behavior and Properties of PDMS-MDI-PEG Multiblock Copolymer Coatings”
Adviser: Prof. Limin Wu
·Master of Engineering, Polymerization Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
Thesis: “Reseach and Development of Water-basedInk For Flexographic Printing”
Adviser: Prof. Bogeng Li
·Bachelor of Science, Life Sciences, Anhui University, China
[1Peng Cui, Hongxia Fang*, QianglinWu, Chen Qian. Relative Molecular MassDetermination of Phenolated Sodium Lignosulfonate by Advanced PolymerChromatography System. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2015,33(3): 314
[2Hongxia Fang, Qianglin Wu, RongJiang. Preparation and CarbonizationBehavior of Bamboo Fiber Modified by Copolymerized Phenolic Resin. ChineseJournal of Materials Research, 2014, 28(11): 853
[3] Hongxia Fang,Qianglin Wu, Yongchen Hu, Yonglei Wang.Effects of Thermal Treatment on Durability ofShort Bamboo-fibers and Its Reinforced Composites. Fibers and Polymers,2013, 14(3): 436
[4] Qianglin Wu,Hongxia Fang*, Yunsheng Ding. Preparationand Thermo-property of Bamboo Fibre Modified by Copolymerized Phenolic Resin. EngineeringPlastics Application, 2012, 40(11): 69
[5] Hongxia Fang,Qianglin Wu, Yongchen Hu. Effects ofThermal Treatment on Chemical Transformation of Short Bamboo-Fibers. Asian Journalof Chemistry, 2012, 9, 4007
[6Hongxia Fang, Qianglin Wu,Yunsheng Ding. Preparation and Characterization of Novolac PF with High SofteningPoint and Low Free Phenol. Engineering Plastics Application. EngineeringPlastics Application, 2011, 39(11): 40
[7Bingjie Ren, Yuxiang Chen, Hongxia Fang*.Grafting Modification on Bamboo CelluloseFibre and Composite Properties. Engineering Plastics Application, 2011,39(5): 16
[8] Hongxia Fang,Libang Feng, Limin Wu. MicrophaseSeparated Structures and Properties of PDMS-MDI-PEG Copolymer Surface. ChineseJournal of Polymer Science, 2009, 27(3): 327
[9Hongxia Fang, Jinyu Sun, Lei Zhang, Preparation and Characterization of TernaryGreen Composite Film by NMMO Technology. Polymer Materials Science &Engineering, 2009, 25(2):148
[10]Hongxia Fang, Qianglin Wu, Xiaowei Xi, Preparation of Lignin-basedPolyphenol-formaldehyde Adhesive with Environment-friendly Property and HigherPerformance. Journal of Fudan University (NaturalScience), 2009, 48(3): 295
[11]Hongxia Fang, Shuxue Zhou, Limin Wu.Microphase separation behavior on thesurfaces of PDMS-MDI-PEG multiblock copolymer coatings. Applied SurfaceScience, 2006,253(5): 2978
[12Hongxia Fang, Libang Feng, ShuxueZhou, Limin Wu. Effect of Annealing onthe Microphase Separated Behavior and Properties of PDMS-MDI-PEG MultiblockCopolymer Films. J Polym Science Part B: Polym Phys, 2007, 45(2): 208
[13] Hongxia Fang, Shuxue Zhou, Limin Wu. Micro Beparatation Behavior of PDMS-MDI-PEG Multiblock. ActaPolymerica Sinica, 2007, (2): 178
[14] Libang Feng, Hongxia Fang, Shuxue Zhou, Limin Wu. One-Step Method for Synthesis of PDMS-BasedMacroazoinitiators and Block Copolymers from the Initiators. MacromolecularChemistry and Physics, 2006, 207(17): 1575
[15] Libang Feng, Hongxia Fang, Shuxue Zhou*, LiminWu, Bo You. Synthesis and SurfaceCharacterization of Poly(methyl methacrylate)-Block-PolydimethylsiloxaneCopolymers from a from aMacroazoinitiator. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007,104 (5): 3356
[16] Libang Feng, Hongxia Fang, Shuxue Zhou, Guangxin Gu,Limin Wu. Synthesis of POMS-containingMacroazoinitiator by One Step Method and Its Application in Preparation ofBlock Copolymers. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2007, (5): 461
[1] Hongxia Fang, Qianglin Wu, Xiunan Yan.ZL201410264173.4 (April 1, 2015)
[2] Hongxia Fang, Qianglin Wu, Changjiang Li. ZL201210146157.6 (June25, 2014)
[3] Hongxia Fang,Qianglin Wu, Bingjie Ren. ZL201010167631.4 (May 9, 2012)
[4]Hongxia Fang, Jinyu Sun, Changyu Hu.ZL200910144257.3 (April 4, 2012)
[5]Hongxia Fang, Lei Zhang, QianglinWu. ZL200810035854.8 (December 14, 2011)
[6]Hongxia Fang. ZL200510030045 (April23, 2008)
[7] YongleiWang, Hongxia Fang, Qianglin Wu. ZL201310188101(October 29,2014)
[8]Limin Wu, Hongxia Fang, Bo You.ZL200410053452.2 (August 19, 2009)